
Prospect Gymnastics

Bed-Stuy Location

Prospect Gymnastics Classes Bed-Stuy:

Gymnastics Classes

This class includes structured training on the floor, bars, beam, and vault. Students build strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility by learning gymnastics skills in step-by-step progressions. At Prospect Gymnastics, we focus on building confidence and having fun! Our coaches are USAG certified and experts at creating a supportive environment for kids to discover the world of gymnastics! 

Tip: Filter by child’s age on registration page to find this class

Tumbling & Cheer

Tumbling and cheer increases coordination, strength, and power. Students learn tumbling, partner stunting, power jumps, and dance. Cheer is a sport that requires teamwork and fosters friendships, communication skills, and creativity. Tumbling and cheer is a great space for students to shine regardless of prior experience or athletic level. It is also a great sport for former gymnasts.

Tip: Filter by child’s age on registration page to find this class

Parkour / Ninja

Unleash movement potential with Parkour! Ideal for thrill-seekers looking for structured challenges. Develop skills through obstacle courses, strength training and basic tumbling. All levels welcome!

Tip: Filter by child’s age on registration page to find this class


Our Children’s Yoga Class is designed to inspire balance, flexibility, and mindfulness in your little ones through gentle stretches, yoga poses, and breathing exercises. We help children enhance physical flexibility, balance, and coordination while promoting mental clarity and relaxation.Young yogis will embark on adventures through imaginative play, meditation, and physical movement. Led by a certified children’s yoga instructor, our classes offer a safe and supportive environment for kids to explore the world of yoga.

Tip: Filter by child’s age on registration page to find this class

Private Lessons

We offer personalized private lessons tailored to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners taking their first steps into the work of gymnastics and cheer to advanced athletes honing their techniques. Whether you’re looking to build a strong foundation or refine advanced skills, our dedicated team is here to guide you. Our experienced coaches cover all areas of gymnastics and cheer. Pricing options: one-hour private lessons for $100; one-hour semi-private lesson for $150; and 45-minute private lessons for little ones (4 and under) for $75. To schedule your private lesson today, please contact Julia at

What People Say About Our Gyms:

“My daughter’s seventh birthday party at Prospect Gymnastics was a blast! Everyone had a great time, the kids got to challenge themselves and get some fun exercise, and the whole thing was stress free.”

Christine Leahy, mom to Siobhan

“My son has gained a physical confidence he didn’t have before—tumbling and balancing with more grace. His listening skills have improved, as well.”

Gia Accardi

“Brynn was very shy at first and didn’t always do everything, but Coach never forced her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with. She grew to love gymnastics and started seeing different things her body was capable of.”

Jen, mom to Brynn

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