Prospect Gymnastics

Ditmas Park Location

Prospect Gymnastics Birthday Parties:

Prospect Gymnastics Birthday Parties
Gymnastics Birthday Party

4 yrs + up | $450

Prospect Gymnastics Birthday Parties offer a 2-hour space rental with paper goods setup and two supervising instructors for up to 12 children.  Our coaches organize gymnastics activities: trampoline, bars, rings, obstacle courses, and games. Our Program Coordinator will work with you to plan your perfect party. 

Special requests can be accommodated. 

$100 non-refundable deposit. Pay via Venmo or PayPal.

Additional kids or longer parties for extra fee. Discounts for groups of 7 or fewer.

Soft Play Birthday Party​

4 yrs + under | $350

Soft play parties offer a 2-hour space rental with paper goods setup and a supervising instructor for up to 12 kids. A coach ensures safe equipment use, while children freely explore. Recommended for toddlers and preschoolers. Our Program Coordinator will work with you to plan your perfect party. 

Special requests can be accommodated. 

$100 non-refundable deposit. Pay via Venmo or PayPal.

Additional kids or longer parties for extra fee. Discounts for groups of 7 or fewer.

What People Say About Our Gyms:

“My daughter’s seventh birthday party at Prospect Gymnastics was a blast! Everyone had a great time, the kids got to challenge themselves and get some fun exercise, and the whole thing was stress free.”

Christine Leahy, mom to Siobhan

My son has gained a physical confidence he didn’t have before—tumbling and balancing with more grace. His listening skills have improved, as well.

-Gia Accardi

Brynn was very shy at first and didn’t always do everything, but Coach never forced her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with. She grew to love gymnastics and started seeing different things her body was capable of.

Jen, mom to Brynn

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